Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeOpinionNYPD officers are forced to write up all interactions: Letters

NYPD officers are forced to write up all interactions: Letters

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The Issue: New York City’s new law requires cops to file reports for every street-stop encounter.

It seems as though the City Council is determined to make New York safer for criminals, miscreants, and agitators of all stripes by passing new legislation that further handicaps the police (“Pilip vs. council ‘chaos,’ ” Dec. 22).

The idea of forcing police officers to file a report for every street stop is another example of the council’s benighted efforts in this direction.

Police personnel are neither stenographers nor journalists. It should be up to individual officers to determine what should or shouldn’t be annotated.

I also think that The Post should start reporting on which members are voting for — or against — these ridiculous bills so that the rest of us can decide whether or not we want to re-elect any of them.

Richard Kagan

Long Island City

When will the voting public of New York wake up?

This City Council, with its large Democratic majority, passed legislation making it harder for police to do their jobs by barraging them with paperwork. This means less police activity on the street and more crime for us.

Do they care about us? No, and that’s the problem. Far-left progressives do not care. They only care about their idiotic socialist-leaning agenda.

We are losing good people who are moving out of the city, and they are taking their tax payments with them. We must stop voting for Democrats before they bankrupt our city.

Saul Mishaan


The anarchists on the City Council aren’t satisfied with the damage they’ve already done to us, so they’re doubling down and seeking to further neutralize the NYPD.

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These imbeciles have imposed untenable rules of engagement on our officers, resulting in their reluctance to be proactive out of fear of going to prison themselves.

If you’re wondering why the city has turned into the chaotic mess that it has, look no further than the misguided politicians who abandoned the policies that saved us from ruin and imposed their own warped and destructive agendas on us.

Thomas Urban


After reading in The Post of the City Council passing the How Many Stops Act — requiring officers to record encounters of any kind with the public — I was surprised to learn it passed by a one-sided vote of 35-9.

Mainstream media outlets like The Post should expose the 35 who voted for passage and the nine who voted against, by name and district. That way, constituents can see how their representative voted and decide on whether or not to vote for them on the next Election Day.

I wonder how many New Yorkers actually know how many people are on the City Council or even who their representative is.

Jim Grant

Jensen Beach, Fla.

Regarding the latest garbage from the criminal-coddling leftists at the City Council, what the NYPD should do is just ignore this new “law.”

If it is OK for President Biden to ignore our laws at the southern border, then the NYPD should do the same.

Until then, when will New York City voters finally wake up and vote these clowns out of office?

Jerry Doherty

Middle Village

The City Council continues to disrupt the NYPD with paperwork.

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These lawmakers’ goal is to ensure the police go from arrest-making to report-taking.

When seconds count, the police will be too busy to respond when you call 911 under the new bill.

Mike Caruso


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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