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HomeUs NewsVulcan Rocket Finally Launches, Kicking Off U.S. Moon Mission

Vulcan Rocket Finally Launches, Kicking Off U.S. Moon Mission

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Updated Jan. 8, 2024 9:21 am ET

A powerful rocket developed by a Boeing-and-Lockheed Martin-owned company blasted off for the first time early Monday, the vehicle’s inaugural flight after years of delays. 

Called Vulcan Centaur, the 202-foot-tall rocket lifted off under a trail of flames at 2:18 a.m. ET from a Florida launchpad, powering an American moon lander into space, where it will journey to the lunar surface. That uncrewed vehicle is expected to try to land on the moon next month, potentially becoming the first U.S. device to visit the lunar surface in more than five decades.

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