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HomeOpinionGov. Hochul allocates $2.4 billion to assist NYC in migrant crisis

Gov. Hochul allocates $2.4 billion to assist NYC in migrant crisis

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The Issue: Gov. Hochul allocating $2.4 billion to assist the city in the ongoing migrant crisis.

Gov. Hochul is giving New York City $2.4 billion to deal with the migrant crisis (“Kat kicks it into high gear,” Jan. 16).

It’s time we stopped wasting money on the migrants. The mayor and governor made New York a sanctuary city.

Now they must put a stop to it.

Migrants are ruining the quality of life in this city.

There are reports of people driving cars without a license, sleeping in the streets and going door to door begging.

Crimes are slowly on the rise in the city in general. Migrant shelters need to be overhauled.

Just throwing more money at the problem isn’t going to solve it.

Joseph Comperchio


Taxpayers apparently have no voice as to where their taxes are allocated.

I wish my family could get rental and mortgage assistance.

I hope that the $2.4 billion requested for asylum seekers will be tracked by the state government’s auditors.

Make sure every bed in those shelters is accounted for.

Donna Skjeveland


At this point, the damage done to New York will take a miracle to reverse.

Even Adams has conceded that the situation is not good.

Yet he will never admit that he himself created the problem by declaring New York a sanctuary city in the first place.

To house all of these people is a recipe for disaster.

They are from various countries, potentially with little in common, other than the fact that they have crossed the border into the United States.

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Also, the panhandling — particularly knocking on doors late at night — will very quickly alienate nearby residents against migrants, if that hasn’t happened already.

Dick Mills


Anyone with a heart would feel sorry for the migrants seeking shelter in New York City — and anyone with a brain would have known that this was a bad idea to begin with.

We’re now seeing the inevitable results of this ill-conceived plan.

The moron running the country effectively invited millions of undocumented asylum seekers, with no clear plan to help them once they got here.

Now local communities are left to deal with the consequences

Thomas Urban


The Issue: The MTA installing cameras on NYC highways to track drivers for congestion tolls.

Rest assured, congestion pricing is only just the start (“Lights, cameras, tolls? MTA cams on excluded h’ways,” Jan. 15).

The tolls will increase over time, as they always do.

The leftist city government loves to “boil the frog,” so we should be concerned that the MTA will eventually implement tolls on the highways, too. Gary



There are two reasons for congestion pricing: to raise revenue for MTA, and to reduce congestion in Midtown Manhattan.

But there are better solutions.

The MTA should crack down on farebeating and stop wasting money on overtime pay.

Last year, dozens of MTA workers raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars in overtime pay.

Regarding congestion, the politicians are at fault.

There are too many bus and bike lanes in the city, and the bicycle lanes are rarely used (especially during inclement weather).

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The bus lanes also encroach on roads that could be used by cars. There seems to be a war against car drivers in this city.

Harvey Manes


I suspect that the real reason behind the congestion-pricing fiasco is so the MTA can make up all the money that is lost due to farebeating.

Harve Kaye


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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