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HomeOpinionLetters to the Editor — Aug. 7, 2023

Letters to the Editor — Aug. 7, 2023

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The Issue: The indictment of Donald Trump for allegedly trying to overturn the 2020 election.

The federal indictment of former President Donald Trump in the special counsel’s election-interference investigation is yet another attempt by Democrats to derail his 2024 election campaign (“Introducing arraigning champ Trump,” Aug. 4).

It’s idiotic to allege that he knew he legitimately lost the election and was attempting to illegally change the results.

To this day, it’s hard for me to believe that 81 million Americans voted for the feeble, deceitful and corrupt fool who currently occupies the White House.

As for the allegation that Trump incited violence on Jan. 6, we need just look at the transcript of his speech immediately before the incident in which he said to the crowd: “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” Case closed.

Thomas Urban


Proof positive that Trump is beside himself over his latest indictment: He is now calling on the Supreme Court to intercede on his behalf with the Justice Department.

Sorry, Trump, but the highest court in the land has better things to do than contend with your false claims of imaginary witch hunters that go bump in the night.

Bob Ory


I hope the Republicans have finally learned a lesson that Democrats will do anything to win after their latest indictments of Trump.

They are all-in on their socialist agenda, which means that working for the American people is no longer their top priority. Power is all that they want.

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Republicans had better make sure our next elections are fair, or they may be our last ones.

Charlie Yannelli

Barnegat, NJ

The more frivolous indictments the corrupt Department of Justice brings against Trump, the stronger he grows.

Polls will show it. America is fed-up with the witch hunts and sees the difference between what our country was under Trump and what it is now under Biden and his crime family.

Joe Nugent

Staten Island

America isn’t perfect, and we can do a lot better — but if we can’t, as a nation, agree that Donald Trump is a cancer on the fabric of this country, where do we go?

Those who want him in power think they will be getting what they have always wanted, an America that only existed in their own self-centered minds.

What they must ask themselves is what happens when their king is no longer in power and the next king represents everything they abhor? What now? Another insurrection?

This is why, if you stick with the democratic ideals America was set up with, we have the best chance of surviving as a thriving democracy, admired by much of the world.

If we continue to look down on the importance of facts, law and responsibility, we put America on a perilous path into very dark waters, and all bets are off. Democracy is not something I wish to gamble with.

Bob Bascelli


The Democrats are expressing outrage that Trump wanted to overturn an election. Fair enough, it was the lowest point of his presidency.

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However, it’s hypocrisy to hold this view while advocating to pack the Supreme Court, which obtained its makeup through multiple elections.

Deciding who controls the high court is the deciding factor for many voters. If the Democrats ever manage to pack the court, they will have de facto overturned more elections than Trump could ever dream of.

Zachary Goldman

San Diego, Calif.

As the DOJ and FBI, at the behest of the Biden administration, further push us to banana-republic status, how will we react?

When prosecution turns to persecution, it is time for the American public (all of us) to stand up and say no to the shredding of the Constitution.

This is selective prosecution, and it must be rejected, especially at the ballot box.

Larry Hootnick


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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