Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeOpinionBook bans in Colorado? Don't tread on reading rights

Book bans in Colorado? Don’t tread on reading rights

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Don’t tread on my reading rights

Re: “Douglas County: Library board to consider banning four LGBTQ+ books,” Aug. 23 news story

It seems to me that if a parent doesn’t want their child to be reading a certain book, then that parent has a right to forbid it. But it does not necessarily follow that that book should be forbidden to everyone else. That parent has no right to forbid access to that book to everyone else

A library should be an open market of ideas; a person can select those that interest them and ignore the rest. Just because you reject a book (idea), don’t try to tell me I can’t have access to it. You’re just trying to force your point of view onto me.

We are Americans. We don’t ban or burn books. The Nazis did.

Robert F. Ward, Highlands Ranch

It is a sad day when someone thinks reading a book will damage a child psychologically. I doubt reading a children’s book about a drag queen is, as Aaron Wood wrote, “a cruel means of hardening children’s hearts and taking away their innocence.” How about all the gun violence and swearing that you read about or hear on television? I am an adult and violence takes away some of my trust and “hardens my heart.” The real damage would be not teaching children that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality or “gender ideology.”

My mother taught me to treat all people with kindness, respect, and compassion. She would have welcomed reading to me “The Hips on the Drag Queen go Swish, Swish, Swish” — even using different voices as she did with Dr. Seuss books!

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Kristen Krentler, Colorado Springs

Keep these books out of children’s section

Thank the Lord! I am so happy to see this group, Freedom Fathers, bringing before the library board these reprehensible books that are presenting inappropriate sexual content to children!! Thank you, Mr. Woods; I honor your willingness to stand for what is right! If the library wants these books in the adult section of the library, I find it horrid, but that is OK. Not in the children’s section. Don’t sexualize children.

Deanna Walworth, Brighton

Too hot for school

Re: “Schools to close early today over heat,” Aug. 23 news story

Another year’s gone by, and in the news they’re complaining again that the classrooms are super hot because there are no air conditioning units in all the classrooms. And at no time can any of these brainiacs who are supposed to be in education think about starting the school year in the second week of September.

Leroy M. Martinez, Denver

I’ll never understand why Colorado kids go back to school before Labor Day when it is so hot.

Why not start two weeks later when average daytime temps have typically moderated? It seems this might help save the planet as well by using less energy for cooling.

Jonathan Williams, Denver

Rep. Boebert’s downfall?

Re: “Frisch leads Boebert in poll,” Aug. 23 news story

It is interesting that recent polling indicates a lead by Adam Frisch at this point and that his fundraising has exceeded that of the incumbent for Colorado’s Third Congressional District in consecutive quarters.

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Since Rep. Lauren Boebert missed the congressional vote on May 31 on the very important debt ceiling bill (claiming that the video showing her hurried late arrival was actually a “protest”), she has evidently taken on a new “silent and invisible” strategy. It is actually refreshing.

Come 2024, the 3rd Congressional District voters may tend to forget how ineffective and vitriolic she has been as a Congressperson.

Peter Ehrlich, Denver

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