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HomeOpinionEric Adams' trip to Mexico to discourage migrants: Letters

Eric Adams’ trip to Mexico to discourage migrants: Letters

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The Issue: Mayor Adams’ trip to Central and South America to dissuade migrants from coming to the city.

So Mayor Adams is going to Central and South America to discourage migrants from coming to New York City (“Stay-cation for Eric,” Oct. 3).

Is his message: “Come to America, just don’t come to New York City”?

By the way, shouldn’t Vice President Kamala Harris be making this trip? Isn’t she the one looking into the “root cause” of illegal immigration?

It’s been two years since she was assigned that task. If it’s not too much trouble, Kamala, can we get an update on how that’s going?

Tom Vespo, Bethpage

Another bright move by Mayor Adams — going down to Mexico City to try to stop the immigration problem.

He can’t fix it in New York. He can’t fix anything in New York. He’s going to go down to Mexico now and discourage people from coming into the United States and then eventually winding up in New York.

Adams, I have to tell you: You are worse than dopey former Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Gene O’Brien


The mayor of New York has arrived in Mexico to attempt to dissuade illegal immigrants from coming to New York.

Rather disingenuous from the man who proudly declared New York a sanctuary city, welcoming all the illegal immigrants who crossed the border — so much so that he allows them to stay in first-class hotels at no cost to them, with free food, schooling, health care and who knows what else.

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Why wouldn’t they want to come to New York? They’re getting more than the citizens are receiving now.

But when the mayor realized how much this is costing the city, he changed his tune and tried to blame the governor of Texas, when the true blame lies at the feet of the man in the White House.

The president was even trying to stop Gov. Greg Abbott from setting up barriers to reduce the number of illegals crossing the Texas border.

You want to stop illegal immigrants from coming here? Rescind the sanctuary city status for New York and stop giving away all the free services.

Joseph Paino


I like Adams, and share his pain. But he is wasting his time in Mexico City.

New York has great advantages in handling migrants that could be utilized in a long-term plan.

This plan would divide migrants by language and origin and then place them in those neighborhoods where their countrymen now reside and have integrated successfully previously. That would be an area the schools deal with the same languages and the teachers and kids speak it, where local grocery stores, restaurants and businesses can offer jobs and other assistance.

The nanny state doesn’t have to do it all. My Irish grandparents came to work as servants in America and made it by living among other Irish immigrants in Brooklyn, with support from those who came before, and an Irish-dominated Catholic Church. Most New Yorkers of working-class immigrant backgrounds did the same.

Even the police will share the same background as potential migrants in suitable neighborhoods.

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Walter Kitchenman

West Palm Beach, Fla.

The mayor’s trip south of the border is a waste of time. It will be similar to the vacuous gesture made by Vice President Harris.

Nothing will change until the Democrats admit that their policies are an abject failure. Nothing will change until they admit that illegal entry into our country is wrong, and that it’s not true that everyone entering is doing so to seek asylum.

Phil Serpico


What possible influence can Adams’ trip have on the border crisis and New York City’s difficulties in addressing it?

Only Biden has that power, and he has no desire to change the situation.

Michael Horowitz

Fresh Meadows

Adams’ message to Latin America is essentially: “I don’t care if millions of you come into the United States illegally, just don’t come to New York City.”

Gee, thanks, Mr. Mayor!

Al DiLascia

Chicopee, Mass.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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