Sunday, September 22, 2024
HomeOpinionDemocratic Socialists of America's anti-Israel rally: Letters

Democratic Socialists of America’s anti-Israel rally: Letters

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The Issue: An anti-Israel rally held by the Democratic Socialists of America after the Hamas attacks.

Amid the carnage of hundreds of dead, wounded and kidnapped Israeli civilians, the Democratic Socialists of America saw fit to hold a pro-Palestinian rally (“Vile rally,” Oct. 9).

These protesters are not socialists, and they are certainly not Democrats. They are not even pro-Palestinian. The Hamas attacks on Israel will not benefit Palestinian civilians in any way.

It is time to loudly and forcefully call out these protesters for what they truly are — rabid and unrepentant antisemites. They have no issue with dead civilians.

In these dark days, anyone calling themselves a citizen of the United States and enthusiastically participating in an anti-Israel rally is reprehensible.

Stuart Rubinfeld


The savages are the people dancing with swastikas, openly celebrating the slaughter of Jews.

How twisted our side of the world has become.

Donathan Salkaln


Antisemitism, the socialism of fools, was on full display at the demonstration held by the Democratic Socialists of America’s New York City chapter.

How can a group that calls itself “democratic” support an authoritarian terrorist organization, Hamas, that is dedicated to the murder of all Jews everywhere and also kills Palestinians who have views that differ from its leaders?

How can a group that calls itself “socialist” support the attacks on kibbutzim — the only successful socialist experiment in world history — whose infants and elderly were slaughtered or taken as hostages?

Make no mistake, the DSA demonstration is not about peace or even about Palestinians — it is in support of the Hamas/Hezbollah/Iranian goal of destroying the only Jewish state in the world.

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David Rabinovitz


The pro-Palestinian dem­onstrator openly flashing the swastika on an iPhone at the Democratic Socialists of America protest suggests this group’s support for the annihilation of all of the Jews in Israel.

Antisemitism is alive and well in the world, and its supporters are in Congress and the New York state and city governments.

Haven’t we learned anything from the slaughter of 6 million Jews by the Nazis in World War II? “Never again” is happening again.

Anthony Scro


As the Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana once said: “Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.”

Those who glorify the Nazis might want to take pause and realize besides the murder of 6 million Jews, the Nazis murdered close to half a million people with disabilities, including children, as well as gay and bisexual men.

And they did not stop there. The list would be exhausting.

Many people in this country who spew hate might want to take pause before it is too late.

Martin Garfinkle

Staten Island

Reading about the tragic attack in Israel made me wonder if we should be rethinking how we choose the individuals who represent us in the city, state and federal government.

I don’t understand the position these politicians are taking against the Jews. Our country has embraced people from the four corners of the Earth, but hate is all some people know. And they begin by hating America.

Wake up, people. It might be time to rid ourselves of these antisemitic individuals.

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Frank Caniglia

Sag Harbor

These are the same people who contribute nothing to the city of New York. They are the ones who gave us Bill de Blasio and Eric Adams as mayors of the city.

You will not find one Republican among this scum-of-the-Earth. They are the left wing of the Democratic Party.

Blame should fall directly upon the incompetent President Biden, who gave Iran $6 billion in trade for a few hostages.

Walter Faust


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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