Sunday, September 22, 2024
HomeTop StoriesHamas Attack Reminds Europeans of the Virtue of Sovereignty

Hamas Attack Reminds Europeans of the Virtue of Sovereignty

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Joseph C. Sternberg

Europe has discovered that it has an anti-Semitism crisis on its hands. And now some politicians claim to have found the answer: Deport the anti-Semites. It’s a response as illuminating as it is futile.

The shock to Europe has been the “pro-Palestinian” protests on the streets in the weeks since Hamas’s barbaric invasion of Israel. Too often these degenerate into, if they don’t start out as, festivals of anti-Semitism and sympathy for Hamas. Germany and France have led the charge in attempting to ban such gatherings, with mixed success. In the U.K., the refusal of the authorities to do so has become deeply controversial.

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