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HomeOpinionIsn't our population in Colorado reaching a tipping point?

Isn’t our population in Colorado reaching a tipping point?

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Isn’t our population reaching a tipping point?

Re: “Will Colo.’s population growth rebound?” Nov. 12 news story

The article describes slowing population growth as a problem, buying into the common yet absurd belief that we can and should keep increasing indefinitely. Unfortunately, Colorado, just like the entire planet, has physical limits. We are already in massive ecological overshoot, as evidenced by the escalating climate crisis, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource depletion. Colorado is one of the most water-stressed states — if our current demands are already unsustainable, and in light of worsening climate impacts, how can we expect an even larger population to thrive here?

Instead of trying to maintain our Ponzi economies with ever more people, we should invest in those who are already here (in Colorado, in the US, and on the planet). Population aging is an inevitable outcome of reduced growth and a necessary, temporary transition toward sustainable societies with stable populations. A larger share of older people presents challenges, but these can be prepared for and managed, unlike environmental breakdown. Better preventive health care, for example, would go a long way toward keeping older people able-bodied and active. In addition, there are many working-age people, including a rising number of unhoused residents here in Colorado, who are currently excluded from employment because they are not getting the support they need.

It’s people’s lives and our precious natural environment that we need to get back on track, not population growth.

Olivia Nater, Boulder

Editor’s note: Nater is communications manager for Population Connection.

Aldo Svaldi left out one major consideration in the article: quality of life.

The report paints a bleak picture of Colorado losing its “ability to attract newcomers,” having “huge implications for its economic future” and “for the surging number of older residents.”

As one of those older residents, I could not disagree more with this frightening prophecy. Since the 1950s, Colorado has experienced a boom in population growth — the report even points to an increase of 1.7 million more people are expected in 25 years. How is that a shortage of people? Colorado communities are constantly struggling with the opposite problem and its consequences: homelessness, increases in crime rates, traffic jams, violence, loneliness, depression, suicide, cost of living, and insufficient infrastructure. I could go on all day.

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The article’s problem is that the numbers come largely from the business community, which could not care less about Colorado’s quality of life. And The Denver Post wants even more people to arrive? Thanks, but no thanks.

Joe McGloin, Sheridan

There is an obvious solution to the problem of low population growth in Colorado. We must give work authorization and citizenship to the many immigrants who continue to arrive in Colorado.

The immigrants I personally know from Afghanistan, Mexico and Venezuela are here for a better life and are willing to work hard. Given the support to work legally and become citizens, they will make exemplary Coloradans.

So, to legislators and all Coloradans, I say: “Immigrants are welcome here.”

Patrick F. Buckley, Denver

Regarding last Sunday’s article about whether or not Colorado’s population growth will rebound, I hope not! We already have too many interlopers from California, Oregon, Illinois and other failed states.

Richard D. VanOrsdale, Broomfield

Criticisms and cheap shots

Re: “Laura Loomer and Kari Lake in the same week? Have we lost our mind?” Nov. 12 commentary

Commendably, Krista Kafer describes the lunacy of the Colorado Republican Party and their courting of the likes of Kari Lake and Laura Loomer. (Unfortunately, talking about the crazy wing of the state Republican leadership has become a redundancy.)

Of course, however, Kafer has to cap off her column with a heavy dose of “what-about” regarding the Democrats, capped off by a cheap shot about Joe Biden (“struggles to speak a cogent sentence”). Sure, the president has his stumbles and bumbles, but he has a firm grip on reality. Compare that to his likely opponent in 2024, a delusional, deranged, one-person crime spree. God help us all if Donald Trump moves back into the White House.

John Goldstein, Denver

Krista Kafer seems to know for sure that “Prices continue to rise thanks to unconstrained federal spending.” Apparently, she thinks that the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have had nothing to do with inflation. What she obviously doesn’t know is that there is no significant correlation between inflation rates and federal budget deficits when comparing those numbers going back as far as 1950.

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She also doesn’t know, or chooses to ignore, the fact that the federal budget deficit increased in every year of the Trump presidency but has decreased in each of the first two years of the Biden presidency. She should look more closely; facts count.

Gary Waldman, Aurora

“Trump has disqualified himself”

Re: “Denying people a candidate,” Nov. 12 letter to the editor

A recent letter claims that the court case to keep Donald Trump off of the ballot is trying to deny people their right to vote for the candidate of their choice. Wrong! In fact, you only have the right to vote for qualified candidates, i.e., those who are of a certain age, who were born in this country, and who have not engaged in an attack against this country. And by his own actions in gathering a mob and inciting an insurrection, Trump has disqualified himself as a candidate. Let’s put America ahead of Trump and not give him and his mob of supporters another chance to burn everything to the ground!

Don Iverson, Louisville

RTD hazards too many

Colorado’s largest city must have mass transit that serves all residents and is, therefore, safe for all. The budget must include line items to ensure the public’s safety. I ride the light rail occasionally, perhaps two to three times a month, usually in the evening to and from the Colorado Station. Every ride produces fear, a threat, an incident: an elevator that cannot be used because three to six people are enclosed in it doing who knows what, verbal assaults, people high on drugs, a body under a blanket that patrons had to step over (I was the first to call 911) and last night a rider exposing and entertaining himself.

For a time last year, I stopped riding light rail because of these threats and the fear they created in me. They can ride, but I can’t? There must be a solution that protects the upstanding citizens seeking to use mass transit. I will not use the Colorado Station anymore, though I hope to be able to use another station that feels safer. Please address these issues! Denver deserves answers.

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Carole Whitney, Denver

The gunfire in our future

Re: “Banning guns, wasting time,” Nov. 11 letter to the editor

The letter writer needn’t worry despite her pretzel logic math. Guns will never be banned in the United States, not as long as we cuddle up next to an antiquated amendment that is treated like unassailable scripture.

A quote attributed to Andy Warhol says, “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes.”

I say, “In the future, everyone in the United States will be shot or know someone who is.”

Guns will never be banned any more than stupidity will be banned. They’re variations on the same theme.

Craig Marshall Smith, Highlands Ranch

No Labels? Not now

Re: “Polls show Biden behind Trump; Democrats, you can chill out now!” Nov. 11 commentary

David Brooks’ column tries to assure Democrats that Biden can win, going head to head with Trump.

That would be fine with me. I am an “Anybody But Trump” voter. And I agree with Brooks that President Joe Biden has done a decent job despite the “too old” criticisms.

What’s interesting is that it was a David Brooks column that first introduced me to the “No Labels” effort. His not mentioning No Labels begs questions.

Those are: Has he now backed away from promoting or even supporting that organization? And, if so, why?

Does Brooks now think that the Unity Party’s strategy might backfire and take enough votes from Biden to let Donald Trump slip back into the presidency?

I like the centrist Unity Party concept, but the latter question is the stickler for me and the only reason I am not 100% behind No Labels at this point.

Let’s please hear from Brooks and other ABT folks about that.

George Herbst, Westminster

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