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HomeOpinionAs another busload of immigrants arrives, remember, Denver invited this mess

As another busload of immigrants arrives, remember, Denver invited this mess

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Denver invited this migrant mess

Re: “Busload of migrants gets dropped off at state Capitol,” Dec. 5 news story

The Denver mayor’s office is critical of Texas for busing immigrants who are in the U.S. without legal status from Texas border towns to Denver, calling the conduct “inhumane” and “shameful.” Denver is a self-proclaimed “sanctuary city,” thereby extending its welcome mat to all comers. Denver police do not hold or report people here illegally to ICE for deportation and Denver welcomes them with housing, bilingual education for the children, and other government benefits.

President Biden and Colorado’s liberal democrats in Congress refuse to enforce federal immigration law and are perfectly happy to let the flood of illegal immigration continue. Texas border towns are not sanctuary cities and do not have the money, resources or inclination to ignore federal immigration law or to welcome and support these immigrants. Denver’s mayor and the Democratic Party are the ones guilty of shameful conduct by flouting the law and must continue to bear the consequences of their actions. You wanted them, you got them. Now take care of them.

Kevin Amatuzio, Englewood

U.S. House draws a line

Re: “Santos kicked out of Congress in historic vote,” Dec. 2 news story

It was so refreshing to see the Republican Party stand up to lying, cheating and outright fraud with the expulsion of George Santos. Now, let’s see if that same Republican Party can finally muster up the courage to divorce themselves from the 45th president.

Bobbi Clementi, Pueblo

A very good friend of mine, who has voted exclusively for Democrats over the past 50 years, had been badgering me, saying, “Why aren’t the Republicans expelling Santos from the House of Representatives?” My answer: “A serious crime has to be shown first because the people’s vote cannot be overridden by other elected leaders.”

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Now that it has been revealed in an ethics committee report that Santos did, in fact, spend thousands of dollars of campaign funds for his personal use, the House voted to expel him, and rightfully so. However, expelling him without just cause would have been a dismissal of the voters who elected him in the first place, which would have been “an attack on democracy.”

Fred Ruder, Broomfield

Re: “Farewell to George Santos, the perfect MAGA Republican,” Dec. 2 commentary

Thank you for including Michelle Goldberg’s New York Times piece on your editorial page. Her description of George Santos and the state of Donald Trump’s MAGA Republican party is priceless. Goldberg has a way with words that make understanding politics and politicians in the current environment interesting, insightful, thought-provoking and educational.

Goldberg’s one omission, and a critical one, was her failure to not include Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House and second in line for the presidency, vote against Santos’s expulsion and a description of his undying support of Trump. Johnson, who professes to live his life according to the rules of the Bible and Christian doctrine and brags about his covenant marriage, supports two of the most “unbiblical “people in public life whose lies, adultery, indictments, cheating, fraud, stealing, and a lack of respect for our institutions characterize them and the majority of the Republican party.

Hopefully, The Post will continue to write and reprint columns that will educate the public about the pitfalls of politicians, their policies and behavior that adversely impact all of us and the fate of our democracy.

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Barbara Morton, Highlands Ranch

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