Saturday, September 21, 2024

Kim Komando

Trump needs to revamp his campaign if he wants to win. How can he? – San Diego Union-Tribune

The 2024 Presidential election is now in the home stretch, with less than 50 days before Americans go to the polls. For former President Donald Trump, that is just enough time to shakeup his campaign – if he wants to win.For Trump, who...

Internet in classrooms already harmed learning — don’t make it worse by adding AI

Classrooms have become a battleground in the media frenzy around new large language models and other developments in artificial intelligence.   On the one hand, proponents of the technology jump to tout its promise for students. In each of its recent product launches, artificial intelligence...

Keep exploring

Phone scammers are using new tricks this holiday season — here’s how to spot them

‘Tis the season for eggnog, twinkly lights and a whole lot of scams....

here’s how you can spot them

Tom Hanks isn’t trying to sell you a dental plan. YouTuber MrBeast won’t...

Do this important Wi-Fi check at least twice a year: Kim Komando

I’m in the process of settling into a new home. The other day,...

Your phone tracks you everywhere you go — here’s how to take back your privacy

Google knows more about you than your best friends. That includes (if you...

It’s summer! Protect your tech from the heat

Tech is expensive, and there are endless ways to ruin yours. While we’re...

What happens to your personal info after a data breach?

Your most sensitive data is online. Sure, you don’t just post your banking...

AI teddy bears are here

In the not-so-distant future, you could walk in on a teddy bear reading...

How to use TikTok without handing over personal data to China

I’ve been saying it for months: Get TikTok off your phone. It’s not the...

7 hidden features you can use on your computer mouse to make work way easier

No matter how long you’ve been using computers, it feels great to discover...

Read this before signing up for Amazon Clinic

The CDC says millions of Americans are skipping doses, delaying refills, and taking...

5 amazing things your phone can do that you may not know about

Remember when a cell phone was for calls and a round or two...

How to erase your embarrassing search history across the internet

If you feel comfortable with someone else looking through your search history, raise...

Latest articles

Trump needs to revamp his campaign if he wants to win. How can he? – San Diego Union-Tribune

The 2024 Presidential election is now in the home stretch, with less than...

Internet in classrooms already harmed learning — don’t make it worse by adding AI

Classrooms have become a battleground in the media frenzy around new large language...

‘The West Wing’ cast reunites at White House for 25th anniversary

Welcome back to the Bartlet administration. The cast and crew of The...

You Might Not Be Defrosting Your Food Safely

Most of the time, shortcuts can be great. No time to slice,...