Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeOpinionCasa Bonita is no longer budget friendly for Colorado families

Casa Bonita is no longer budget friendly for Colorado families

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Casa Bonita changes not so budget-friendly

Re: “Eatery defies norm, eliminates tipping,” June 28 news story

The current rage over the newly remodeled Casa Bonita is quite interesting and comical. The new owners have put in place a very questionable “no tipping” policy and have increased the hourly wage of the workers to $30 an hour. The menu prices reflect this compensation.

When our children were small, we would take them to Casa Bonita for fair food and corny entertainment. I hope this hype and price structure will be short-lived because, as it is now, a middle-income family will not be able to afford this type of pricing. As time goes on, the fad will wear off, and maybe Casa Bonita will evaluate their business structure.

Michael Hult, Arvada 

Both sides celebrate success

Re: “In Aldean’s Macon hometown, they’re trying everything,” Aug. 9 commentary

In the commentary about Macon, Ga., the author illustrates a solution consisting of differing ways to combat urban blight, crime, and poverty are effective. Some call for “law and order” by increasing police power, while others call for community enhancements such as programs for at-risk youths, yoga classes, elimination of abandoned buildings and other sources of crime. The result of this two-pronged approach: murders down 40% and violent crime down 57% from last summer. In a rare instance where both sides of the Black Lives Matter argument show positive effects, why aren’t we seeing more examples of a blended, apolitical solution?

Mike Gallagher, Centennial

The death penalty will not eliminate evil

Re: ” ‘We should not become murderers as well’ ,” Aug. 4 commentary

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I thank Rabbi Joseph R. Black for the powerful statement against the death penalty in The Denver Post, and to thank The Post for publishing it with such a prophetic title: “We should not become murderers as well.”

I have disagreed, both publicly and personally, with Rabbi Black and his predecessor at Temple Emmanuel about Israel-Palestine. But I wish here to applaud his rejection of the death penalty, even in the case of the murderer at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

I especially applaud the careful reasoning of his argument and his concluding point that the price we pay for living in a moral world is “living with the fact that we cannot totally eliminate this evil.” It reminds me of the parable told by my Rabbi about the wheat and the weeds (Matthew 13:24–43). At the final harvest, the true Judge will separate the weeds from the wheat – something we ourselves must not be tempted to do.

John F. Kane, Denver

Editor’s note: Kane is Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at Regis University.

Lofty words in defense of Trump

Re: “Trump calls for judge’s recusal, attacks Pence, special counsel indictment,” Aug. 7 news story

Attorney John Lauro reached into his thesaurus and found the word “aspirational” to describe comments by his client  Donald Trump, which, among other complaints against him, should land the Most Dangerous Human Being in America in prison where he belongs.

Craig Marshall Smith, Highlands Ranch

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