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HomeHealthDaily Horoscope for March 15, 2024 – Chicago Tribune

Daily Horoscope for March 15, 2024 – Chicago Tribune

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General Daily Insight for March 15, 2024

Our minds and our emotions may not exist on the same page for the day. Things are immediately intense when the Moon in Gemini trines powerhouse Pluto in Aquarius, but our feelings get even more riled up when the Moon disagrees with picky Venus in Pisces at 6:59 am EDT. It’ll be tough to establish boundaries. The Moon will then sextile Mercury, encouraging us to speak out, but a final lunar square to Saturn may make things more complex than we’d like.


March 21 – April 19

A gentle approach couldn’t hurt. You’re buzzing along as the Moon zips through your chatty 3rd house, but you may want to slow things down when it grumbles at Venus in your dreamy 12th house. An urge for simplicity or ease could bubble up, reminding you how nice life can be when you aren’t constantly in the fast lane. Instead of rushing headfirst into anything, let your intuition show you the way forward. Listening to your soul should keep you from going astray.


April 20 – May 20

There are more exciting things to do than putting your nose to the grindstone. You’re likely in a productive frame of mind as the Moon tours your 2nd House of Revenue, but people will potentially hit you up to hang out when the Moon squares your ruler Venus in your 11th House of Social Networks. It will be difficult to ignore any invites beckoning you to leave your chores behind! If possible, set a few tasks aside to give yourself some time to circulate.


May 21 – June 20

You can appear at your best if you don’t let yourself get too caught up in general drama. It’s easy to wrap yourself up in personal issues while the Moon tours your 1st House of Self. Don’t forget — you can climb mountains when the Moon squares off Venus in your 10th House of Reputation. Even the smallest effort on your part could result in your supervisor or some other VIP being very impressed with you. Go ahead, put yourself out there!

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June 21 – July 22

You don’t necessarily need to know where you’re heading on this particular day. There’s a dreamy ambiance everywhere you look, thanks to a square between the Moon in your mystical 12th house and Venus in your exotic 9th house. Even if you feel a little lost, you can still enjoy your surroundings. Don’t worry too much about making real progress in any one facet of your life. This is your moment to take things easy and let yourself enjoy the ride.


July 23 – August 22

Take your raincoat AND your sunglasses, Leo — the cosmic weather is shifting between easygoing and intense at the drop of a hat. The reason for this pinball energy is the Moon in your friendly 11th house squaring Venus in your secretive 8th house, encouraging you to socialize while demanding that you keep your cards close to your chest. People can only give you so much if you don’t give in return, so consider lowering your defenses if you want to build meaningful connections.


August 23 – September 22

People may be more appealing than other obligations. You can focus on your work as the Moon tours your 10th House of Business, but as it moves along, the Moon will also square Venus in your partnership sector. A loved one could arrive from out of the blue to bring you an exciting experience! You will likely need to put any less urgent obligations on ice for the time being, but if you embrace the fun on offer, then you shouldn’t have any regrets.

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September 23 – October 22

You can find equal time for work and play with the tiniest bit of scheduling. The Moon in your far-flung 9th house is filling your mind with dreams of distant shores, but a square to Venus in your responsible 6th house will require you to complete a few chores before flying off. Fortunately, Venus wants you to enjoy yourself, so any work on the table probably won’t be too strenuous or consuming. Check off any necessary boxes, then proceed as you please.


October 23 – November 21

You’ll need to break out of your shell if you want to embrace everything on offer. Turtles probably seem to have the right idea with Luna hiding in your 8th House of Privacy, but that comfort gets turned upside down when the Moon squares Venus in your upbeat 5th house. This sector loves to seek out the spotlight, literally or metaphorically, so you may feel pulled between two extremes. If you let your guard down and reach out, the rewards should be worth it.


November 22 – December 21

You’ll want everything on your terms today, but that’s easier said than done. Other people may come calling as the Moon moves through your relationship sector, even as the lunar square to Venus in your emotional 4th house leaves you craving your favored creature comforts. If others expect you to get with their program, it could be like pulling teeth. Try to make your sensitive state understood, or else people may think you’re expecting a bit too much to go your way.

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December 22 – January 19

There’s a lot on your plate, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of it. You’ve got the staying power to get things done as the Moon marches through your capable 6th house. Plus, its square to pleasure-loving Venus in your busy 3rd house will add a dose of fun to your list of chores. Still, all this may feel overwhelming — you only have 24 hours in a day, after all. To avoid confusion, make an effort to stick to your schedule.


January 20 – February 18

Treat yourself! It’s going to be difficult denying yourself a few little pleasures here and there with the Moon in your fun-loving 5th house. That desire is further amplified by the square between the enabling Moon and indulgent Venus in your luxurious 2nd house. It’s perfectly fine to have some fun, but be wise and set yourself some kind of budget. Don’t throw away money as though it grows on trees, because it definitely doesn’t! Your wallet will appreciate your restraint.


February 19 – March 20

Your feelings are going to be larger than life. You’re deep in your emotions as the Moon wallows in your sensitive 4th house, but a square to Venus in your own sign will pull your mind toward focusing solely on the joyful side. There’s technically nothing wrong with this, except this alignment can make you a little one-sided in your approach to internal satisfaction. Avoid going overboard with optimism. You shouldn’t have to act like a diva to make yourself happy.

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