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How an Early Retiree Invested His Money to Hit Seven Figures

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Eric Cooper submitted his resignation letter in November 2021, a few weeks before turning 48.

His last day of work was January 3, 2022.

“I chose that date so I could fully fund my 401(k) for the year,” the Louisville-based early retiree told Business Insider. It aligned with the life-changing money advice he received from a boss in his early 20s.

“He looked over his eyeglasses at me — it was a very punctuated, succinct look — and he gave me the best and only financial advice I’d received up to that time. He said, very sternly, ‘Make sure to contribute as much as you can to your 401(k) with each paycheck. It’s very important so that you can save for retirement,'” said Cooper, who started his career as a reporter and anchor for WHAS radio after graduating from college in 1996.

While he couldn’t max out his 401(k) at the time — his starting salary was $19,000, he said — the advice stuck.

Saving $2.4 million in his 401(k) by starting young and contributing consistently

Cooper switched jobs a few years into his career and nearly doubled his salary.

“I felt pretty rich because I was making a whopping $35,000 a year in late 1999,” he said. “Even though the pay wasn’t amazing, I was used to living cheaply, so I started maxing out my 401(k) pretty quickly.”

Over the next two decades, he worked in corporate communications and continued to max out his employer-sponsored retirement plan. The contribution limit changes each year. In 1999, it was $10,000. In 2021, Cooper’s last full year of work, the limit was $19,500. In 2024, you can contribute up to $23,000.

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“It’s one of the smartest things I did. It made such a difference because of all those years of compounding and having that much in that early,” said Cooper, who, according to a copy of his retirement savings statement, amassed a $2.4 million 401(k) balance over his 25-year career.

He didn’t do anything “special,” he pointed out. Building wealth and achieving financial independence is “a matter of understanding the principles and applying them and being in the right place in your life to do so.”

eric cooper

Cooper has enjoyed traveling the world since retiring in 2022.

Courtesy of Eric Cooper

Of course, to max out your plan, “you have to make sacrifices,” added Cooper, who managed to do so even when he was making $35,000 a year. His savings habits are a byproduct of his familial situation. “I lost my parents very early in life, and I didn’t have a safety net. If something happened, there was nobody to bail me out, so I always made sure that I could take care of myself. Saving money gave me a sense of security in the absence of my parents.”

He also considered his low starting salary an advantage. It forced him to learn how to live on less, which he continued to do even after getting raises and eventually working his way up to a six-figure salary.

How he invested his money to build a seven-figure portfolio and retire early

Cooper shared details on his seven-figure investment portfolio and his five-property real estate portfolio, including four rentals and his primary home, which BI verified by looking at his tax bills.

The stock market: from tech stocks to low-cost index funds

Cooper’s investment strategy has evolved over the years. While he stashed most of his money in his 401(k) plan, he also opened and contributed to a brokerage account and Roth IRA.

“Prior to retirement, I was mostly in individual tech stocks and mutual funds,” he said. “And they have performed pretty well. But of course, in 2021, 2022 they did not — and so I took a big hit.”

To lower his risk, “I am in the process of transitioning my portfolio to mostly low-cost index funds, which are very popular among the FI community.”

Index fund investing is a relatively low-risk and low-cost hands-off strategy that aims to match the returns of a specific market index, like the S&P 500. Over the past 10 years, the S&P 500 has posted annualized returns of 11.18%.

Real estate: from a one-bedroom condo to four cash-flowing rentals

In addition to investing in the stock market early on via his 401(k) plan, Cooper got into real estate early.

He bought a one-bedroom condo in his 20s for $32,500 after feeling “disenfranchised with my landlord,” he said. “I wanted something that I could be in control of and actually start accruing a little bit of equity. I felt like I was throwing money away by renting.”

He said he sold the condo about a year later and profited $10,000, which he used to buy a two-bed, one-bath condo in the same complex. He found a roommate to lower his monthly mortgage payment.

eric coper

Cooper takes a selfie with friends during a trip to Egypt in December 2023.

Eric Cooper

A few years later, he moved into a slightly bigger space and kept the two-bed, one-bath as a rental. Over the next 15 years, Cooper gradually expanded his real-estate portfolio to four long-term rentals.

“They’re all paid off and bring in about $65,000 a year in rent,” he said, adding that they played an important role in his early retirement. “Even though I had run my numbers 100 times before retiring, I still had anxiety about leaving my job and my paycheck. So those rental properties buffered that a bit because they allowed me to have income coming in still and some extra peace of mind.”

Cooper likes real estate as an investment for a few reasons: His units are earning him income today while also appreciating in value over time; there are tax benefits; and it creates asset diversification.

“Even if I were to lose all my money in the stock market, and I know I won’t, I would still have rental properties and income available, as well as the ability to sell those properties if needed,” he said.

Of course, managing properties is time-consuming and can be unpredictable. He’s dealt with water leaks, water heaters dying on Thanksgiving Day, and challenging tenants.

If he were starting from scratch and looking to achieve financial independence, he wouldn’t necessarily go with real estate.

“I think the easier route is to invest in low-cost index funds,” he said, noting that the playbook is much simpler. “The key is this: Start saving as early as possible, spend less than you earn, invest the rest in low-cost index funds, and let time and compound interest do the work.”

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