Sunday, September 22, 2024
HomeOpinionJoe Biden's flip on border wall: Letters

Joe Biden’s flip on border wall: Letters

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The Issue: The Biden administration’s announcement that it will resume construction on the border wall.

Having flip-flopped from “tightening” the border “with fences” in 2006, to pledging in 2020 that “not another foot” of wall would be built, President Biden has now authorized its continued construction, while blaming Congress and lamenting that he has no choice because money was already allocated for it (“Blockhead wakes up,” Oct. 6).

This obfuscation fools no one. Hopefully this will start the process of reclaiming the border, deporting undesirables like drug dealers and discouraging others from trying to enter our country illegally.

As for Biden, let’s hope this debacle marks the end of his quest for a second term in office. He’s already done enough damage in his first.

Mel Young


True to form, the Democrats have finally— belatedly — decided a wall is needed at the Mexican border. I believe this is known as shutting the barn door after the horse is gone.

Now that the crisis has overwhelmed city after city, they think Trump may have had it right. But how do we now fix the mess you’ve caused?

Louise Perrotta


Biden is admitting that a wall at our southern border is necessary, but refusing to admit Trump was right.

I guess the 20 million future Democrats who already crossed the border illegally are enough to ensure the Democrats stay in power forever.

Biden says he wanted to use the money Congress allotted for the wall construction for something else. Perhaps Hunter Biden’s legal fees?

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Saying that he must follow the law and defer to Congress is rich. Since when do Democrats in general — and Biden specifically — worry about the rule of law?

Notice, too, the petty word choice of the Democrats — it’s not a wall, it’s a “physical barrier.”

Walter Goldeski

East Brunswick, NJ

In 2018, Rep. Nancy Pelosi said that Trump’s desire to build a wall was a “manhood” issue. I wonder: Is Biden suffering from a manhood issue now?

A bunch of self-serving, loathsome individuals comprise the Democratic Party — not to mention duplicitous, hypocritical and greedy. None of these officials should sit in office. It’s a disgrace.

J. DelBuono

Staten Island

The president has finally gotten the message that the border crisis is making life untenable in many regions of the country.

Although much of the blame can be laid at the feet of Congress for its refusal to enact comprehensive immigration reform, it is now the president’s issue, and he is the one who will be held accountable.

Perhaps it was the cries for help from Democratic mayors and governors and the recognition that this issue threatens to heavily and negatively impact his bid for re-election that caused him to see the light.

It is absurd to expect an area to absorb a huge influx of migrants and to be able to pay to house them and help them to assimilate.

We are — and must always be — a nation of immigrants. We cannot, however, allow a massive flow of migrants to overwhelm our ability to assist them.

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Oren Spiegler

Peters Township, Pa.

It appears that Biden, like St. Paul on the road to Damascus, has had an epiphany with respect to the border wall.

Did he finally realize that we cannot feed, house, clothe, educate and provide medical care to the entire world? I would like to think that this is true, but I have my doubts.

Did he finally realize that the migrants pose unfair competition to Americans for blue-collar jobs? Probably not.

Does he now see that the tax burden for migrant services is destroying Democratic cities? I doubt it.

Biden and the Democrats don’t care about any of these issues, but they do care about the polls, and Joe is dropping like a rock on immigration and the border.

The voters mustn’t be fooled by Joe’s move, which even he claims he was forced to do.

Kenneth Fitzgerald


Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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