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HomeOpinionLetters to the Editor — July 3, 2023

Letters to the Editor — July 3, 2023

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The Issue: Mayor Adams comparing an 84-year-old critic to a plantation owner at a public meeting.

Mayor Adams has apparently dropped all pretense of race neutrality, and may soon regret that he failed to heed the old adage: “It is better to be thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt” (“Grow a Thicker Skin, Mr. Mayor,” Editorial, June 30)

Hubris and racism produce a layer cake so toxic that no amount of political sugar-coating laid on top can ever make it acceptable.

He has embarrassed the African-American community and revealed himself as just another intolerant progressive, projecting his own racist attitudes onto others.

Christopher Denton


I am not surprised by the mayor’s response to the lady complaining about high rents.

He wants respect as mayor of New York City? Great. Now show some respect for the retired city workers as we complain about losing traditional Medicare to an inferior Medicare Advantage Plus Plan.

Practice what you preach, Mr. Mayor.

Ed Greenspan


If you turn Mayor Adams upside down and shake him, a race card will fall out of his pocket.

He berated an 84-year-old woman who dressed him down, characterizing her as a plantation owner speaking to a slave, and then demanded respect for the sole fact that he is the mayor.

He has also accused GOP leaders of racism for sending migrants to cities run by black mayors. And he forgets calling white colleagues in the NYPD “crackers.” Who is the racist here?

Mr. Mayor, you are not a monarch. Respect is earned and not demanded. If you can’t stand the heat, as per President Harry Truman, get out of the kitchen. Dealing with pressures and difficulties is part of your job.

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You may want to take a course in mediation and conflict resolution to assuage your sensitivity.

Phil Serpico


Adams needs to grow up. If having an old lady pointing at you at a hearing causes you to get your undies in a twist, why are you a politician?

While he may not have known that the woman that he was angrily responded to, Jeanie Dubnau, was a Holocaust survivor, the fact that he found it necessary to play the old race card was pathetic.

This woman has seen horrors he’s never even contemplated, and he sounded like a little baby with his silly little rant.

Robert DiNardo


As usual, Adams does what works best for himself.

Jeanie Dubnau
Jeanie Dubnau, a Rutgers assistant professor, who challenged the mayor on the Rent Board’s recent hikes.
Jeanie Dubnau/Facebook

Just like the Rev. Al Sharpton, when all else fails, he pull out that race card, as it will shut everyone up and distract from all the bad decisions he has made.

He ought to be ashamed of himself for his antisemitism against this woman. He seems to forget that 1.6 million of us Jews call New York City home. He won’t be getting this Jewish vote when his re-election comes around.

Jon Shapiro


So the idiot mayor of New York City can’t seem to take any heat or come up with any solutions for anything.

The thinned-skinned, do-nothing moron picked a fight with a longtime city resident, a woman no less, and throws the race card at her because his poor feelings got hurt.

Stop the parties at night and try to learn something about solutions. You must have been one terrible cop. If this city has any sense, you will be gone come election time.

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Steven DelGaudio

Edgewater, NJ

Mayor Adams’ dressing down of an older woman with his “plantation” analogy was uncalled for, but it illustrates his thin skin and lack of confidence in himself.

A very polite but terse “please don’t point at me when you speak, ma’am. I feel you’re being rude and disrespectful” would have been the much better and more universal answer coming from New York City’s leader.

He chose instead to make a spectacle of it and make an example of the woman through race, asserting his office and title in the process. Terribly unfortunate.

Vincent Ruggiero

Scottsdale, Ariz.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.

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