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HomeOpinionWhy are we questioning military service of Tim Walz and JD Vance?

Why are we questioning military service of Tim Walz and JD Vance?

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In defense: Why are we questioning military service of candidates?

Re: “Critics are pouncing on Walz’s military record,” Aug. 26 news story

Master Sergeant (retired) Tim Walz served in the Army National Guard for 24 years, period. To make less of that is disingenuous and disrespectful! I left the Army as a private first class (E-3) but my discharge form listed my permanent rank as private (E-2). Nobody cares! For me, the three years, one month, and one day I served on active duty was the measure of service that mattered.

Tim Walz and JD Vance served honorably; end of discussion.

Visit Fort Logan National Cemetery and you will find privates buried next to senior officers.

Harry Puncec, Lakewood

I just want to make sure I understand this. Tim Walz served honorably for 24 years in the Minnesota National Guard. The Army gave him the title of Command Sergeant Major while he was still in the National Guard and it served their purposes. But when he retired in 2005, almost four years after 9/11 and after 24 years of service, they pulled that rank because he had not finished all his coursework. Now past military guys who didn’t like him are acting like this is the end all be all, yet they are writing checks to a draft dodger who used his wealth to avoid serving. Did I get all that? Could there be more hypocrisy in one article? I don’t think so, but there’s still plenty of time for people with no shame to outdo themselves.

Sarah Jimenez, Colorado Springs

How did a story, which was basically a slander piece about Tim Walz’s military record that was orchestrated by the same people who led the Swift Boat attacks on John Kerry, land on the front page of The Denver Post? The Denver Post owes those of us who expect honest journalism from their newspaper an apology for publishing this story on the front page. Are you also going to publish a story on the front page of all the veterans who stand behind and defend Tim Walz’s record?

Edward Dranginis, Centennial

The tempest in a teapot over Tim Walz’s army rank is being stirred by a draft dodger (Donald Trump) and JD Vance, who rode a desk in Iraq for six months and rose to the rank of corporal after four years in the Marines.

In the military, officers and senior enlisted men often serve above their permanent rank. Most notably, George Armstrong Custer was a brevet (acting) major general in the Civil War and reverted to captain after the war before eventually being promoted to lieutenant colonel.

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